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The Evolving DERMS Landscape

As distributed energy resources (DERs) continue to gain traction with both energy providers and their customers, monitoring and managing flexibility has become a mission-critical activity. Distributed energy resource management systems (DERMS) are platforms that provide a wide range of tools to intelligently manage and dispatch aggregated portfolios of DERs.

DERMS can support both front-of-meter (FTM) / grid DER and behind-the-meter (BTM) / edge DER management activities. In the past, grid and edge DERs have often been managed using individual solutions that aren’t connected to each other. However, as the DER landscape matures, DERMS are evolving to become transparent, end-to-end solutions that connect the control room to the living room.

the evolving derms landscape

Comprehensive DERMS Solutions

From peak load shaving to DER integration, dispatch optimization to flexibility management, our DERMS solutions support a wide range of energy goals and programs.
Demand Response (DR)
Optimize energy usage, reduce peak demand while ensuring customer comfort and satisfaction.
Grid-to-Prosumer DERMS
Connect your utility control center to the grid edge with an end-to-end solution that supports reliable energy orchestration.
Virtual Power Plants (VPPs)
Aggregate and orchestrate a wide range of energy assets, and bolster your power supply stack with turnkey VPP services.
Energy Asset Management
Manage FTM and BTM asset performance, monetize flexibility, and optimize dispatch across value streams and sites.
Microgrid Management
Intelligently manage, optimize, and aggregate microgrid generation, storage, and energy distribution.
EV Grid Services
Proactively manage demand and increase grid resilience by leveraging EVs as a source of flexibility.

Trusted by Energy Leaders Worldwide

Trusted by Energy Leaders Worldwide


Powering the Full Spectrum of Global New Energy Solutions

We’re proud to partner with leading energy companies around the world to maximize impact across multiple asset classes and value streams.
Customer Types
  • Utilities and grid operators
  • Independent power producers (IPPs)
  • EaaS providers and ESCOs
  • Energy asset owners and operators
  • Retailers and gentailers
  • Aggregators
Asset Classes
  • Residential DERs
  • C&I DERs
  • Utility-Scale Assets
Value Streams
  • Customer Bill Savings
  • Energy Arbitrage
  • Ancillary Services
  • Demand Response
  • T&D Deferral
Wistia video thumbnail

“225 MW is equivalent to a natural gas-powered peaker plant in our generation portfolio”

John Bonnin, Consultant, CPS Energy

DERMS Capabilities

Targeted Dispatch and Flexibility Management
Enable precise dispatch of DERs at different grid levels, minimizing network impact and the need for costly infrastructure upgrades.
Multisite Demand and Energy Usage Optimization
Collect and analyze granular data to dynamically track flexibility and co-optimize DERs across value streams to create benefits for all energy stakeholders.
Ancillary Services to Support Grid Flexibility
Enable precise dispatch of DERs at different grid levels, minimizing network impact and the need for costly infrastructure upgrades.
Measurement and Verification (M&V)

Leverage industry-standard NAESB baselining methodologies for load analysis, logging, auditing, and change management to ensure consistency.

Benefits of DERMS

Maximize DER dispatch and impact
Reduce demand during peak windows
Monetize flexible capacity
Save customers money on energy bills
Optimize DER orchestration across value streams
Defer T&D investments

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

AutoGrid’s Virtual Power Plant (VPP) solution enables aggregation, coordination, and optimized control of DERs, allowing for their seamless integration and efficient utilization within the grid.

AutoGrid’s demand response solution solves the problem of impacting energy consumption and achieving peak demand reduction by providing advanced software tools and analytics that enable real-time monitoring, automated load shifting, and intelligent control of energy-consuming devices, allowing for dynamic demand management and optimized energy usage.

AutoGrid’s DERMS Platform leverages advanced algorithms and predictive analytics to intelligently orchestrate the operation of DERs, ensuring efficient utilization and maximizing economic benefits while minimizing operational expenses.

AutoGrid’s Energy Storage Management solution optimizes the operation and dispatch of grid-scale energy storage by leveraging advanced algorithms and real-time analysis to maximize the storage system’s value, enhance grid reliability, and enable effective dispatch of grid-scale storage.

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Unlock Flexibility and Value at Scale with a DERMS

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