Virtual Power Plants, Purpose-built for Australia

Revolutionizing Australia’s unique energy landscape with mixed asset, multi-market virtual power plants (VPPs)

The Power of Flexibility: Purpose Built for Australia (2:08)

Accelerating Australia’s Pathway to Net Zero

In the dynamic Australian energy market, VPPs are playing a pivotal role in unlocking new revenue streams while providing grid support by balancing supply and demand.

The Autogrid Flex™ VPP platform empowers energy market participants to aggregate, optimize, and monetize energy assets across all classes, device types, and use cases, leveraging distributed energy resources (DERs) at scale to create flexible capacity.

Vpp Australia
Increase Customer Satisfaction
Hedge Against Market Volatility
Open New Revenue Streams
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What is a Virtual Power Plant (VPP)?

A VPP is an aggregated network of DERs that can be remotely controlled and operated to balance the supply and demand of electricity on the grid. A VPP combines devices that store, generate, and shift electricity to help meet peak demand in place of a conventional power plant.

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The Ageing Coal Generation Fleet Retires in Australia

Australia has one of the highest penetration of distributed energy resources in the world. Despite this proliferation, regulatory and commercial barriers exist in delivering VPPs at scale, especially in the Commercial and Industrial sector. The Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) recognizes the broad role the Commercial and Industrial sites can play in accelerating towards net zero.

A Strong Foundation

Aggregating and co-optimizing flexible loads alongside batteries, solar PV, and EVs to establish a solid foundation for mixed asset VPPs

Savings Achieved

Maximising bill savings against DNSP-specific demand charges and network tariffs for customer sites

ROI + Sustainability Gains

Unlocking wholesale arbitrage, frequency control ancillary services (FCAS), and wholesale demand response (WDRM) to achieve ROI and sustainability targets

Export and Import Limits Met

Managing site-level export and import limits through battery operations and solar PV curtailment

Australia’s Virtual Power Plants Solution Guide: Energy Flexibility for Australian Electricity Market Participants

Five Minute Market

Five-Minute Market Optimizes VPP Opportunity

Australia’s reformed five-minute market creates a hyper-competitive bidding process that sets the stage for energy retailers and other market participants to embrace the VPP market optimization opportunity.

Empowering the Australian Energy Market with a Comprehensive Toolkit

AutoGrid, the recognized leader in VPP software, offers a comprehensive AI-powered digital platform that enables participants in the Australian energy market to thrive in the new energy economy. With over 8,000 MW of assets under management and experience in 17 countries, we have a proven track record of success.

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Make VPPs a Virtual Necessity for Your Intelligent Grid Management

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